SustainabilitySocietyOccupational safety and health

At TOCALO, we are committed to the upkeep and improvement of a facilitative work environment where employee health and safety is an important consideration.
In addition, we are committed to achieving zero occupational accidents and are working to create safe work environments where employees can work with greater comfort and peace of mind.

Occupational safety and health​

2024 safety and health policy

TOCALO’s safety and health policy is based on the principle that “safety takes precedence over everything.” The policy provides guidelines for “maintaining and improving work environments” and “achieving zero accidents and zero injuries” by showing due consideration to safety and health in ways that safeguard and enhance the health of all employees.
We will strive to create a bright and rewarding workplace by:

  1. Complying with laws and regulations related to safety and health related to our business and relevant internal regulations
  2. Communicating with all employees, systematically carrying out occupational health and safety activities (inspections, patrols, and education) with the participation of all employees, and taking steps to raise safety and health awareness.
  3. Aiming to reduce risk factors for accidents and disasters by increasing visualization through the 5S cycle, risk assessment, and analysis of occupational accidents, and by continuously promoting occupational safety and health in accordance with the JIS Q 45100 standard.
  4. Showing due consideration to mental health so that employees can work in a healthy state of mind
  5. Thoroughly providing health & safety education for new employees beginning when they join the company
  6. Promoting the safety activities of on-site partner companies and subcontractors

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

TOCALO maintains an occupational health and safety management system headed by the president and dedicated to providing a comfortable and safe work environment. Safety and health committees at each business site meet each month to assess workplace risks and provide feedback to employees on the assessment results. Risk information issued by the committee is shared at Company-wide health and safety meetings headed by the General Manager of the Production Headquarters. The Company also works with each business site, the Health Management Promotion Department, labor unions, occupation health nurses, and external experts (occupational physicians) to raise employee safety awareness and continuously improve health and safety conditions.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Industrial safety and health initiatives​

We strive to maintain and improve a comfortable work environment that gives consideration to safety and health, as well as enhance various systems related to welfare in compliance with the Labor Standards Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act. Parallel to this, each business site has established its own measures to ensure safety and minimize damage in the event of a disaster.

The Company makes concerted efforts to prevent occupational accidents and vigorously promotes safety and health measures. One ongoing initiative that we have been conducting for several years is to receive advice on health issues and health and safety from an outside director who for many years was a professor at the Osaka University Health Care Center.

Effort is also made to raise safety awareness by providing education centered on safety education to new employees entering the Company that is and focusing on foreman training that is based on guidance from external consultants.

Initiatives to create a comfortable work environment

In recent years, summer heat has become increasingly severe, and temperatures at manufacturing sites have been higher than before, increasing stress on employees. The higher the temperature gets, the greater the risk of heat stroke becomes, so this could adversely affect the health of our employees.
To prevent such risks, we are firstly improving our air-conditioners. Air-conditioners are installed at most of our flat panel display (FPD) and semiconductor processing plants (FPD and semiconductors make up just over 50% of total sales), and we are actively introducing them at other worksites as well.

Measures other than air-conditioning are implemented at sites as required, such as exhausting hot air and steam generated in operations to the outside, reducing outdoor heat input through the use of heat-shielding coating, and installing large-scale air blowers. In addition, for personnel, we are promoting rehydration and salt supplementation with salt candies, installing spot coolers, and introducing air-conditioned clothing. With these measures in place, many of the workers at sites say that the work has become easier, which has also led to more efficient work.
However, there are some sites where countermeasures are not yet sufficient, and further improvements are necessary. We will continue to consider the health of our employees and implement measures geared to conditions at each worksite.

Health initiatives at overseas sites

The company implements various measures to ensure the health and safety of employees and their families who are posted overseas. To ensure that employees can work overseas with peace of mind, we provide medical examinations and vaccinations against infectious diseases prior to traveling overseas and require medical examinations upon temporary returns to Japan. While overseas, individuals are registered for medical examination support services and support is made available for mental and physical issues as well as daily life activities.

Initiatives to prevent occupational accidents

TOCALO is thoroughly committed to a safety-first policy and aims to achieve zero occupational accidents.

In fiscal 2023, the Company recorded 15 occupational accidents (0 fatalities, 5 lost-time accidents).

When a work-related accident occurs, we immediately disseminate the information to all worksites. The Group safety and health meetings investigate the causes and discuss countermeasures, which are then horizontally implemented at all worksites.

Our activities to prevent accidents before they occur includes sharing information at the Group safety and health meetings about injury accidents as well as about near-miss and other incidents that had potential to lead to serious accidents.

Type of accident Incident status
Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Occupational accidents Employees who missed work because of injury or illness 5 1 3 5
Number of days 48 1 43 203
Fatalities 0 0 0 0

Occupational health and safety management system

All of our business sites have acquired and are operating under ISO 45001:2018 certification (the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems) and JIS Q 45001 certification, which has additional requirements for daily health and safety activities.

We are constructing a safe and healthy work environment by conducting risk assessments aimed at reducing and controlling safety and health risks and by supervising compliance with laws and regulations.

We are promoting the acquisition of ISO 45001 certification, and 28.6% of the consolidated Group have currently obtained certification.

Please see the ESG Data Sheet for Group company ISO 45001 status.

ISO 45001 and JIS Q 45100 certification status
Plants with certification Registered date Registration number
Kitakyushu Plant March 2019 ISO45001:JISHA-O-102
March 2024 JQA-OH0290
Nagoya Plant December 2023 ISO45001:JISHA-O-105
December 2023 JISQ45100:JISHA-105
Kobe Plant December 2023 ISO45001:JISHA-O-104
December 2023 JISQ45100:JISHA-104
Kurashiki Plant January 2024 ISO45001:JISHA-O-111
January 2024 JISQ45100:JISHA-111
Akashi Plant September 2024 ISO45001:JISHA-O-122
September 2024 JISQ45100:JISHA-122
Thermal Spraying Technology R&D Laboratories November 2024 ISO45001:JISHA-O-124
November 2024 JISQ45100:JISHA-124
Tokyo Plant Suzumi Workshop January 2025 ISO45001:JISHA-O-129
January 2025 JISQ45100:JISHA-129
Tokyo Plant Gyoda Workshop January 2025 ISO45001:JISHA-O-130
January 2025 JISQ45100:JISHA-130