SustainabilitySocietySustainable Procurement

The TOCALO Group is fundamentally committed to fair, equitable, and transparent procurement activities and to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility (CSR) in respecting human rights, environmental conservation, compliance, and other areas. We seek to form strong alliances with trading partners in our procurement activities to do our part to realize a sustainable society.

TOCALO Group Procurement Policies

  1. Just and fair trading

    Comply with laws and social norms concerning purchasing activity and provide suppliers with just and fair participation opportunities.

  2. Consideration for human rights/labor environment

    Respect human rights, and promote procurement activities aimed at improving the labor environment and ensuring health and safety.

  3. Consideration for the environment

    Aim to contribute to a sustainable society, and carry out procurement that contributes to reducing environmental impacts by prioritizing recycling, energy conservation and resource conservation that shows consideration to the global environment.

  4. Thorough corruption prevention

    Prevent corruption thoroughly by prohibiting the acceptance from suppliers of gifts and entertainment that exceed the parameters of social conventions.

  5. Safeguarding of confidential information

    Faithfully fulfill contractual duties and rigorously comply with the duty of confidentiality with regard to confidential information obtained as a result of procurement activities.

  6. Promote mutual development

    Deepen mutual understanding and build relationships of trust based on dialogue with suppliers, and promote the development of both sides.

Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

TOCALO Group views its suppliers as important partners for mutual development and seeks to foster relationships of trust and continue strengthening the partnerships.
In addition, as a company that aims to contribute to society though its business activities (surface modification coatings), we are engaging in building a sound and sustainable supply chain, and have formulated “Sustainable Procurement Guidelines” outlining specific requests to our suppliers.

Sustainable Procurement Guidelines​

Declaration of Partnership Building

We have released a Declaration of Partnership Building stating our endorsement of the Council on Promoting Partnership Building for the Future promoted by the Cabinet Office, The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, and other organizations. This initiative aims to improve the productivity throughout the supply chain by promoting cooperation, coexistence, and co-prosperity among supply chain suppliers. The declaration states our commitment to working with our business partners to address social issues such as human rights, labor, health and safety, the environment, and ethics.