SustainabilitySocietyHealth management
Health management is a priority management issue at TOCALO and we take steps to provide full support for employee mental health care and work-life balance so all employees can work energetically and safely.
Basic approach to Health management
Positioning of Company Health management
In 2023, we announced our Declaration on Health management based on the belief that efforts to maintain and improve employee health are fundamental to human capital management. We are actively implementing Health management as part of our drive for sustainable growth toward becoming a 100-year company.
Declaration on Health management
Our medium-term management plan stated our mission to “make employees and their families proud of our Company as a place to work with enthusiasm and safety,” and we accordingly implemented measures to “develop human resources” and “create a work environment that is clean, functional, and people-friendly.”
In addition to the above, fulfilling our mission will also include actively advancing Health management measures by “promoting mental and physical health” and “increasing employee engagement (eagerness to contribute to the Company).”
Kazuya Kobayashi
Representative Director,
President and Executive Officer
Health management policy
- We actively support each and every employee so they can work independently to improve their physical and mental health.
- We create comfortable worksites that are clean, functional, and people-friendly.
- We regularly evaluate the results of health and productivity management initiatives and maintain a system for continuous improvement. Management will demonstrate leadership to promote employee participation in Health management.
Health management promotion initiatives
Health management promotion structure
The Personnel and General Affairs Division promotes the Company’s Health management. The TOCALO President serves as the Chief Health management Officer and the General Manager of the Administrative Headquarters serves as Health management Promotion Officer. The Personnel and General Affairs Division forms and executes its policies and strategies while cooperating fully with the Production Headquarters in charge of safety and health, labor unions, external organizations (health insurance associations), and external experts (occupational physicians).
Health Issues
- Promoting physical health
- Promoting mental health
- Creating a clean, functional, and people-friendly work environment
- Improving work-life balance
Main health initiatives
- Early detection and treatment of diseases
- Reduction lifestyle disease risk (smoking cessation awareness, etc.)
- Reduction of mental disorders
- Improvement of work-life balance
Health initiative areas
Early detection and treatment of diseases
TOCALO’s health management is led by employees who are qualified occupational health nurses. One of our fundamental activities is providing regular and periodic medical checkups for 100% of our employees. For individuals who receive results indicating recommendations for detailed examinations or reexamination, our occupational health nurses encouraging them to make examination appointments at medical institutions and follow up on their condition until receiving the new results. The Company covers the cost of initial consultations at medical institutions. In addition, we support the early detection and treatment of diseases by also covering the costs of employee screenings for cancer and lifestyle diseases, gynecological checkups, and dental examinations.
Reduction of lifestyle disease risk
We seek to help employees reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases by having our occupational health nurses offer individual health guidance, consultations, and smoking cessation support. The percentage of smokers in our company is currently higher than the national average, and we have accordingly launched a Smoking Cessation Challenge Campaign to encourage and support people to quit. Employees who sign up to join the campaign receive an incentive payment if they are smoke-free for one year. Occupational health nurses also conduct regular seminars on quitting to assist individuals interested in quitting.
Mental health care support measures
We take steps to prevent the development of serious mental issues by seeking to recognize the early signs of mental health struggles through daily checks by supervisors, stress checks, employee career development questionnaires, and employee engagement surveys. When a stress check indicates a person may be feeling a high level of stress, occupational health nurses urge the individual to talk with an occupational physician. Group analysis results are shared with the person in charge of the workplace, and the head office works with them to identify the source of the stress and implement countermeasures.
Raising employee health awareness
As part of our efforts to raise employee awareness of health issues, in 2023 we introduced an e-learning health course that has been taken by 100% of employees. We encourage all employees to gain a deeper understanding of their personal health, which we believe will motivate them to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
Improving work-life balance
We have introduced flexible work systems, including telework and flextime, as part of our ongoing efforts to accommodate diverse workstyles and life circumstances of our employees. In fiscal 2023, we began conducting employee engagement surveys to identify current problems and issues, and are developing initiatives to improve employee engagement. We are creating an environment in which all employees can work with enthusiasm and a sense of fulfillment.
Health initiatives at overseas sites
To ensure the health and safety of employees and their families who are posted overseas, we provide vaccinations and health checkups for infectious diseases prior to traveling overseas, and encourage employees to undergo medical examinations when they return to Japan, even for temporary visits. We also support employee physical and mental health so that they can work overseas with peace of mind, including by engaging a medical consultation support service (WellBe Risk Management Service) at the place of assignment. In addition, the division manager of the Personnel and General Affairs Division conducts online interviews with overseas assignees at the once a year.
Using employee ideas to create an environment where everyone can work with enthusiasm
Tomoko Sasaki (Personnel General Affairs Division, Human Resources Department)

My department, Human Resources & General Affairs, is in charge of promoting health management promotion and managing the health of employees.
My job as a certified occupational health nurse is to provide health-related information, make recommendations for lifestyle improvements based on health checkup results, and to provide follow-up care to employees returning from health-related leaves to help ensure they maintain their health as they transition back to work. When I am managing the health of individual employees, I place importance on listening to each individual and considering what they need to be healthy and enthusiastic about their work.
The health management promotion staff meets regularly to discuss ideas for future initiatives. One of the things we emphasize in our health management is maintaining a sense of unity throughout the Company. This year, we held our first event and seminar on quitting smoking. We received many positive comments from the participants, but unfortunately there were actually few participants. I want to devise ways to encourage more employees to participate in future sessions, so we can make a bigger contribution to improving employee health.
We are working every day to identify the health issues that our employees are facing so we can help them maintain and improve their health and continue working with enthusiasm.
Health measure indicators
Fiscal 2021 | Fiscal 2022 | Fiscal 2023 | |
Percentage of employees receiving regular health checkups | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Percentage of employees participating in health-related seminars | - | - | 100% |
Average percentage of paid leave taken | 66.0% | 76.5% | 75.6% |
Employee engagement survey results (average of 0 to 5) | - | - | 3.56 |
External evaluations
In fiscal 2024, we were certified as a Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization.
Please see the section External Evaluations for further information.