
TOCALO has set “Cultivating and actively engaging diverse human resources” as a material issue (materiality) for our sustainable growth. We also provide employee training and an internal work environment where employees can actively express their individuality and abilities.
Company executives meet with labor union representatives once a month, in principle, to further ensure that work conditions comply with laws and regulations as well as to discuss ways to realize a comfortable working environment.

Approach to promoting diversity

Vision for 2030: A workplace where everyone feels job satisfaction and individuality shines

Approach to promoting diversity

Promotion of diversity

Our objective is to be a company where diverse human resources can work energetically and rewardingly. We established the Diversity Promotion Committee in July 2020 to actively lead our diversity activities. Under the direct control of the president, the committee includes members of various genders, ages, and company responsibilities who gather information and engage in constructive discussion for improving diversity in the Company.
To further advance our initiatives, we established the Diversity Promotion Division in February 2022. The Diversity Promotion Committee and Diversity Promotion Division work with labor unions to advance various activities related to diversity, including implementing measures related to our material issue of promoting the advancement of women in the workforce and to creating a workplace that emphasizes job satisfaction.

Promotion of diversity


To realize the Vision (Goal for 2030) and fulfill the mission of the medium-term management plan, we have set KPIs associated with our priority material issues (materiality). The following goals have been set for diversity.

KPI Definition Fiscal 2025 goal Fiscal 2023 achievement Fiscal 2022 achievement Fiscal 2021 achievement
Ratio of female full-time employees No. of female full-time employees ÷ total no. of full-time employees x 100 13% 12.2% 11.0% 9.5%
Ratio of female managers No. of female managers ÷ total no. of managers x 100 5% 2.1% 2.3% 1.4%
Ratio of men taking childcare leave No. of men taking childcare leave ÷ no. of men eligible for childcare leave x 100 90% 82.8% 68.0% 31.3%
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Please see the section ESG Data Collection for data on human resources.

Diversity promotion initiatives

Advancement of women in the workforce

We publish a General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.

General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace(Japanese Only)

The General Employer Action Plan under the Act on the Promotion of Women in the Workplace (excerpt)
Goal 1 Hire at least 20% women among new graduates each year
Main initiatives: Increase PR activities aimed at female students and create a work environment where women can play an active role
Goal 2 Raise the percentage of female management to a minimum of 5%
Main initiatives: Provide career development training for female employees and unconscious bias training for managers
Goal 3 Facilitate balancing professional and personal life
Main initiative: Create a support system, such as flextime and telework, for employees needing workstyle flexibility

We are actively promoting the participation of female employees, and, in line with the action plan of the Act on the Promotion of Women in the Workplace, we have set a KPI of increasing the percentage of women in management positions to 5% by the end of fiscal 2025.

To nurture future leaders among our female employees, we are focusing on developing management candidates through training programs designed to cultivate a management perspective, such as skill improvement training and a program of temporary management positions where participants build experience guided by managers in other departments. We have also introduced regular training for all employees and diversity training for managers in an effort to raise awareness and eliminate unconscious bias. In addition, to provide conditions to best retain and support the success of women and a diverse workforce, we are enhancing our systems for improving the work conditions, including improving the workplace environment, providing paid childcare and nursing care leave, introducing hourly-based paid leave, and extending the shortened working hours system for childcare to cover all of the elementary school years.

Female Employee Forum
Female Employee Forum*
Female Employee Forum
  • Career planning and network building for female employees

Employment of senior human resources

In April 2022, we raised the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65. Raising the retirement age boost the morale of veteran employees and increased the overall vitality of the workplace. Retaining senior human resources allows them to continue activating the high-level expertise gained from their long careers and share techniques with younger personnel, helping to cultivate future generations. Leveraging the expertise of senior human resources enhances our manufacturing capabilities and will further strengthen our competitiveness.

Hiring of foreign nationals

TOCALO hires individuals based on experience and skill regardless of race or nationality. Our recruitment activities are designed to provide equal opportunity to all applicants and no special circumstances are provided to foreign nationals. When a foreign nationals is hired to work in Japan, we support the acquisition of work visas, sponsor residence (with conditions), and other necessary procedures.

Hiring of people with disabilities

As of March 31, 2024, persons with disabilities represented 2.86% of our workforce, which is above the 2.3% statutory employment rate (2.5% as of April 1, 2024). We consider the employment of persons with disabilities as an important contribution to the Company’s vitality and provide an environment that supports active engagement by persons with various disabilities. We will continue to provide support and opportunities to maximize the power of each individual.

Enhancement of work-life balance

We publish a General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children(Japanese Only)

Our General Employer Action Plan under the Act on Support for Raising Next-Generation Children
Goal 1 Increase the use of paid leave to 68%
Main initiatives: Increase understanding of paid leave eligibility and promote its usage
Goal 2 Raise the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave to 80%
Main initiatives: Continued conducting childcare leave interviews supervisors present, increase understanding of the program and eligibility

We help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance by promoting labor and management efforts to reduce long working hours and encouraging employees to take annual paid leave, including refreshment leave, with the intention of creating an environment where employees can carry out their jobs in a way that is comfortable for them. With more women joining the workforce, we are supporting individuals seeking to maintain a professional career while raising children by encouraging the use of childcare leave and fostering a work environment that accommodates health management during pregnancy and after childbirth. We also consider male participation in childcare to be essential to promoting and understanding diversity, and accordingly provide partially paid leave to encourage all eligible employees to use childcare leave. While expanding our workstyle flexibility, we are also seeking to raise workplace awareness and change the workplace culture. This includes a program to raise awareness about employees who are working while also providing nursing care to a family member. We introduced a nursing care leave program for up to 183 days and with up to five days of paid nursing care leave per year. In addition, in March 2023, we introduced infertility treatment leave, with eligibility conditions, to support employees undergoing infertility treatment.

External evaluations

Eruboshi Certification

Eruboshi Certification is a system to recognize companies providing work environments conducive to women demonstrating their full capabilities as evaluated in the five categories of employment, continued length of employment, working hours and work styles, percentage of management positions, and diverse career paths. TOCALO fulfilled all five certification criteria and received the highest rating of 3 stars on June 11, 2024.

Kurumin Plus Certification

To be a company with a diverse and enthusiastic workforce, the Diversity Promotion Committees at each worksite are leading efforts to strengthen our employee support programs, such as for people balancing childcare and work, and to encourage male employees to take childcare leave. In March 2023, we introduced a leave program to support employees undergoing infertility treatment and ran programs to promote awareness and understanding of infertility treatment. These efforts earned us Kurumin Plus certification on June 7, 2023 as a company supporting employees who are balancing work with raising children and infertility treatment. We were the first company in Hyogo Prefecture to earn the certification.

Please see the section External evaluations for further information.