Investor relationsStock informationAnalyst coverage
List of analysts at securities companies and research institutions providing coverage of our company.
As of November 30, 2024
Honorific title omitted
Company | Analyst |
Tachibana Securities Co., Ltd. | Ken Irisawa |
Marusan Securities Co., Ltd. | Hideki Murakami |
- This list is based on the information obtained by TOCALO at the time of publication and includes only individuals who have provided approval for inclusion. This is not a comprehensive list as we may not be aware of all analysts covering the Company, and the list may not reflect changes in analysts.
- Analysts who are on or not on this list use their own judgment to assess the Company’s performance, business, technologies, and other elements and to forecast future performance. The analysts forecast earnings and assess business strategies based on their own judgments; the Company is not involved in any of their assessment processes. In addition, the Company does not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of the analysts.
- The purpose of this list is to inform shareholders and investors of analysts providing coverage of the Company, and is not intended to solicit the purchase or sale of the Company’s shares.
- When making actual investments, the company recommends investors to make investment decisions based on their own judgment under their own responsibility.